Millenial Mom

The Working Mom’s Guide: Spending Time With Your Child

Being a working mom is pretty tough. Spending 8-9 hours a day away from your kid then having about half the time to get the chores, errands, and meals done is tough. On top of it all there is the…

Diary of a Mom: My Living Room is a Mess

It’s 10 am and my house is trashed. I have stepped on and broken 3 crayons. There is a half empty bowl of goldfish crackers sitting on the floor next to a chair. There are pillows thrown in front of…

Diary of a Mom: Mom Anxiety is Real

Can we talk for a little bit about Mom Anxiety. I’ve had anxiety issues for a lot of my life and I’ve learned to deal with them. Then I had a baby and suddenly I felt like my anxiety was…

Diary of a Mom: The Dress Code Sucks

Add another one to the list of parents who think the dress code in some schools is absolutely ridiculous. Sure I may be a toddler mom and he isn’t in school yet. This still applies to me. Before I know…

Diary of a Mom: Feeling like a Bad Mom

The other day I felt like a bad mom. Most days I end up feeling like a bad mom. I try to start the day on the right foot. I try to keep my cool and keep in mind that…
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