30 Super Fun Free Things To Do This Weekend

Fun Activities For A No Spend Weekend - No Spend Weekend Ideas with Kids - Things To Do On a No Spend Weekend At Home

One of the hardest things to do when you start a budget is finding fun free things to do for the weekend. Boredom is the fastest way to ruin a budget. So instead of spending a bunch of money on activities that keep you entertained I have a list of activities that are fun for just you or your entire family.

Being on a budget can be difficult on a family. Stretching money for food, living paycheck to paycheck, and for a few lucky people putting every extra penny you can into savings leaves little money for fun.

I know all too well what it is to live so tightly on a budget. The toll it takes on mental well being can be extremely difficult. Those who have never been broke don’t understand what it’s like choosing between a cheap but fun date night and food for the week.

These budget friendly and free activities will keep your family entertained. The idea with all of these activities is to give you some down time or bring you and your family closer. Don’t be afraid to bring your friends in on some of these activities.

30 Fun Free Things To Do

Go to the park

Spend a day in the park together. Don’t just watch the kids climb and play get on the equipment yourself and go play.

Go for a hike

Take the kids to a local state or national park. Go walking along the paths. Pack sandwiches and snacks and make sure your phones are charged. Take lots of pictures, learn about new plants, and look for small animal tracks.

Have a picnic

Pack a large lunch and go have a picnic together. You could do this on your back deck, in your backyard, or even in a local park.

Binge watch a favorite series

Pick a favorite series and spend the weekend eating junk food and watching your favorite television series. For me it’s Grey’s Anatomy, of course it takes me a few weeks to binge 14 seasons but it’s always a great relaxing no spend option.

Snuggle in and read

Curl up in the house and have a quiet weekend reading. This could be done as a family event that you plan out. Then everyone can sit and talk about their books afterwards. You may find that you want to read a book your husband or teenager read and vise versa.

Game night

Make Sunday night game night. Play a competitive game of Monopoly or Scrabble. It can be a fun way to spend a night without spending any money, unless you count fake money.

Play video games

My husband and I do this a lot as a way to save money. We sit down at our PC’s and play video games together. Just an hour at the end of the day before bed can go a long way to bonding and having fun.

Build a fort

This is a great activity to do with kids. Your kids will love getting creative with building a large fort in the living room and then playing in that fort.

Have a spa day

Do facials, pedicures, manicures, deep condition your hair, and any other number of things. It’s a great way to relax and if you have all the supplies already you aren’t spending loads of money.

Pull weeds in your garden

Most kids love to play in dirt. I remember loving being in the garden with my mom planting vegetables, caring for them, and watering them. Growing them from seed. So take some time tending to your garden over a weekend.


Work at a homeless shelter, or volunteer some time at a pet shelter. Taking time to volunteer is a great way to not only give back but you won’t be spending any money to do it.

Go swimming or play in a sprinkler

Playing in water is always a great activity for a hot summer no spend weekend. The kids love it and you will too. Have fun and run around in a sprinkler or go swimming at a friends pool or your local pool membership program.

Free museum

Museums often run free activities and free days where there is no charge for admission. It’s a fun way to spend the day and a learning experience.

Free concert

You can almost always find some sort of free concert to attend during the summer. Concerts are a great activity where you can dance, sing, and enjoy the time together.

Star gaze

Take a blanket outside, lay down together, and look at the stars. Show your kids the different constellations. This is a fun activity throughout the year. Just make sure you stay bundled in the winter.

Find shapes in clouds

Like staring at the stars try finding shapes in the clouds. This is a great imagination building activity that kids will love.

Write haikus and share

Sit down and write funny poems and haikus then share them with each other. There is bound to be laughter and fun with this activity.

Karaoke at home

There are all sorts of karaoke videos on YouTube so set up a list and sing karaoke with your family in the living room. Sing as a group, duet, or even do some solos.

Camp in the backyard

If you have camping gear then set it up in the backyard and go camping. You don’t spend any money but you are free from screens, can tell scary stories, and have some unplugged time.

Go fishing

If you have the equipment, go fishing. Fishing is a relaxing quiet time. Even if it’s just catch and release you can still enjoy some quiet time together.

Go play soccer

Go play soccer as a family. It’s a great activity for your kids and gets them active meaning they will sleep well that night.

Learn a new language with Duolingo

The Duolingo app is a great one for learning a new language. Do it solo or as a family you can learn a whole new language and practice it together.

Have a garage sale

Have a garage sale weekend and make some money instead of spending it. You can spend one weekend gathering items throughout the house to sell and then spend one weekend selling all the items at a garage sale.

Make shakes or sundaes

Make ice cream sundaes or shakes and drink them all together. It’s a fantastic way to spend time plus the sweet treat is fun to make and eat.

Have a scavenger hunt

Set up and run a scavenger hunt in the house. Scavenger hunts are a fun activity for the whole family.

Create a pallet project

Sometimes you can find free pallets. Do take a weekend building shelving, a bench, or any other fun DIY.

Wash cars together

Fill the buckets with soapy water and do a full detail of the cars right in your driveway. Not only will you not be spending money at the car wash but you will have shiny pretty cars.

Write a short fictional story

Write a short story together. Come up with characters, plots, and story together. It will be fun lead to laughter and you will laugh about it years later. It’s great for memory building.

Write a short autobiography

Speaking of stories, why not write a story about your lives. Start from the day you and your spouse met and write the story of your lives.

Take family selfies

Run a photoshoot in your backyard. Take pictures of you and your whole family together. Go to a local park, or local hotspots and take loads of pictures together.

Final Thoughts

Now you have 30 fun free things to do for a no spend weekend. Your family will have fun and you may even turn some of them into monthly traditions.

A no spend weekend can be done at any time. It’s not just about saving money, not spending money, or even about being so broke you don’t have any money to spend. You are spending time with your family, or yourself. You are bonding, growing, and learning new things.

Spend at least one day every weekend doing something fun for yourself or your family building those bonds. Make it no spend and enjoy the experience.

Which no spend activity are you looking forward to? Let me know in the comments below. Follow me on Pinterest for more like this and pin this to your family activities boards.

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Fun Activities For A No Spend Weekend - No Spend Weekend Ideas with Kids - Things To Do On a No Spend Weekend At Home


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