6 Ways To Bring Self Care Into Your Work Day

Self Care Activites To Do At Work - Self Care Tips To Relive Work Stress - Self Care Ideas For The Workplace - Ways To Relieve Stress In Your Work Day

If you feel stressed at work regularly you probably need to bring some self care into daily work routine. I’m not talking about a beauty routine, I’m talking about improving your mental and physical health so you handle stress better.

Self care during the work day won’t even look like self care in the eyes of your co workers or your employers either. The small things you do daily to take care of yourself will improve your mood, relieve stress, and help you to get through the work day.

Work Day Stress

We spend 8 hours – sometimes more – of our days at a job. In that time you are meeting deadlines, dealing with customers, answering emails, and any other number of stressful things.

This workday stress is exhausting and while we have 8 hours of our day consumed by it, it can ruin the rest of our day too. Managing this stress with a bit of work day self care is necessary so we can leave work feeling accomplished instead of run down.

Woman stressed at work

The best way to deal with work stress is to leave work at work. This is often easier said than done so my rule is, 30 minutes. You have 30 minutes to vent away about your work day to your best friend, your spouse, or whoever you need to vent to.

After that 30 minutes you take a few deep breaths and let go of the stress. You don’t think about work, you dive into happy hobbies, spending time with your family, cook dinner, and relax for the evening.

If you need to calm your work day stress immediately though, I do have some helpful tips.

Self Care At Work

Obviously, you aren’t going to apply a face mask while sitting at work but we all know self care goes far beyond face masks and bubble baths. Below are my top tips for taking care of yourself in the middle of a stressful workday.

Drink Water

Dehydration can cause headaches, body aches, dizziness, tiredness, rapid heartbeat, and rapid breathing among a few things. Staying hydrated keeps your body and your mind working at 100%.

Instead of grabbing another cup of coffee grab a glass of water instead. These water bottles will help you to stay hydrated all day long.

Take Your Breaks

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in your work that time goes by and you forget to take a break. This isn’t good for you. Breaks actually increase your productivity and your creativeness.

Set a reminder on your phone every couple of hours to take your break. It’s crucial to give your brain a break from your work, calm down, and wake yourself up a bit.

Go for a quick walk around the building, step outside for a quick breather, or go fill your water bottle. It’s better for your work and your health.

Read On Your Lunch Break

Reading on your lunch break can help you to escape from the stress you are feeling. Reading slows you down and focuses your brain on something completely different from your work.

Having an Amazon Kindle Unlimited subscription makes it easy to find books you like and the Amazon Fire Tablet is an inexpensive tablet that works great for reading books.

Pack A Healthy Lunch

Food is fuel, if you fuel your body with crap food your going to have lack the energy you need to face your entire day. Pack a healthy and filling lunch.

This doesn’t mean eating a small garden salad from the local fast food joint. Pack a salad that has fresh cut strawberries, chickpeas, shrimp, or chicken, peppers, a hard boiled egg, tomatoes, broccoli, or avocado.

A salad should be filling and filled with flavor. If you are going for a sandwich add spinach and avocado to keep you full throughout the day.

Go For A Walk At Lunch

If reading isn’t your thing, consider putting on your walking shoes and go for a 10-15 minute walk at lunch. Activity in the middle of your work day is fantastic for your physical health. It also helps your brain to release stress.

Stress affects more than just our brains, it can actually cause physical pain throughout your body. Headaches and tension in shoulders and back are just some of the physical aspects of stress. Exercise produces endorphins which is basically our own natural pain reliever.

So instead of reaching for that bottle of ibuprofen go for a walk instead. Get moving so you can relieve that stress and get back to work.

Eat A Healthy Snack

It’s common to feel your energy start slipping away towards the afternoon. You might feel your eyes getting heavy, you might be forgetting tasks you need to complete, or your motivation to complete your work might totally disappear.

For an energy boost in the middle of the afternoon you’ll want to fuel your body a bit. Eating a small snack helps to boost your energy levels and keep you going to finish your day strong.

Bring healthy snacks to work with you to combat the afternoon slump. Try nuts, a piece of fruit, or some slices of cheese to boost your energy as you get close to the end of your day.

Woman Happy At Work

Final Thoughts

Daily self care is important to keep your physical and mental well being strong. It helps to reduce stress in your life and keeps you balanced.

Self care isn’t just about making you feel beautiful on the outside, it’s about taking care of your inside too. Your mental health and physical health are what keeps you at peace with yourself. Self care is about making every aspect of your life better so you find enjoyment every single day.

What do you plan on doing to improve your self care habits? Let me know in the comments below. Follow me on Pinterest for more like this and make sure you pin this to your favorite self care boards.

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