
101+ Avocado Recipes That Aren’t On Toast

Avocados are one of those things you either love or you hate. If you love avocados than you are probably always looking for new ways to incorporate it into your diet. I’ve put together a massive list of awesome recipes…

19 Easy DIY Farmhouse Decor Anyone Can Do

There has been many a time when I’ve wanted to decorate my home but money was too tight for it. DIY’s to the rescue. More specifically DIY Farmhouse Decor to the rescue. When you are looking for a cheap way…

Beach Cottage Decor For Every Room In Your Home

I love the latest looks from beach decor. Beach cottage is a beautiful blend of farmhouse using aqua, white, and sand colors while keeping trinkets and accessories to a minimum for a clean look. Farmhouse decor blends so perfectly with…

10 Creative 4th of July Activities

The 4th of July is such a fun holiday here in the States. We get together with friends and family, we drink and eat, we play games, and we watch fireworks. No matter where you live in the United States…

26 Easy 4th of July Recipes To Wow Everyone

Let’s face it while we celebrate our nation’s birthday on July 4th, we are all just really excited about the food, right? Well I’m always excited about food in general but that’s neither here nor there. I’ve rounded up some…

17 DIY Activities for Kids to Stop Summer Boredom

Summer break means fun, sun, and children ALL the time. We love our children but sometimes we just need them to sit down, quiet down, or go outside. Luckily for you I have a list of emergency DIY activities for…

33 Of The Best Grill Recipes To Rock Your Tastebuds

Grilling season has arrived! Rejoice for juicy steaks, praise mesquite, breathe in the smoky scents of lighting up your grill for the first time this season. I have gathered the best of the best when it comes to grilling. Grab…

15 Creative Art Projects For Kids

Children are the ultimate creators. Their imaginations are some of the most powerful in the world. It’s important to nourish that creativity and those artistic attributes. I’ve picked some of the best creative art projects for kids and put them…

13 Super Fun Backyard Activities For Kids

I know winter seems to be going on forever for most of the central and eastern United States, but it’s bound to end at some point. Soon the kids will be out of school for the summer and we will…

Pacifier Weaning a Toddler Without Frustration

It’s common that parents start to plot and plan how they attempt pacifier weaning their little one. You may call it a paci, bink, pacifier, or any other number of cute names. Here’s how we are handling the topic of…

9 Entryway Table Ideas That Are Gorgeous

The entryway of your home is the most important part of your home. We may not spend a lot of time in the entryway, but it is the first thing we see when we or anyone else enters our home.…

10 Beautiful Modern Farmhouse Kitchens

The kitchen is the one room we spend most of our time in. We cook, eat, and gather in this room more than any other room. Naturally we want this room to look fantastic. I love the look of a…
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