New Year Resolutions Ideas For Work At Home Moms


With the new year fast approaching you should be considering what your New Year’s resolutions will be. As a work at home mom it might be easier to continue life as normal, but a resolution might be just what you need to change your life and business for the better.

You see resolutions are mindset changes that you want to make when you approach your life and business. They deal more in habits and behavioral improvements that help with the business to succeed.

If you look at resolutions as goals you are giving yourself the ability to fail at them. By setting resolutions around behavior, habits, and mindset changes you are actively looking to make improvements to yourself in your business.

There are no outside forces that affect the success or failure of your resolution and the entire resolution is under your control.

Related: 10 Actionable Steps To Achieve your Goals

New Year Resolutions Ideas

When coming up with new year’s resolutions consider your goals for the next year. What things can you improve in your mindset that would help you achieve these goals? What improvements in your behavior could benefit your business? What habits could you start that would improve the flow of your work day?

Mother on the phone while typing on the computer with her child in her lap

New Year’s Resolutions For Business

New year’s resolutions for business are going to be different than those of entrepreneurs due to the staff the business already has employed. There will be big changes to the way you set a resolution.

I Will Hire 2 More People To Split The Load And Encourage Growth

Hiring more people in your business keeps all employees happier as the work is split evenly among them. It also helps to grow your business as each of your employees can do more in each task.

I Will Not Micromanage My Employees

Letting go of tasks is a hard thing for entrepreneurs turned employers to do. In the beginning we are in control of every single aspect of our small business. As that business grows our time and energy is stretched thin.

We hire people to take on tasks we feel we don’t need to focus on. However, it’s common for us to stand and watch over the shoulder of our new employees and make sure they do it exactly how we did it.

Micromanaging our employees in this way actually prevents and slows down growth. You hire based on experience, you train them to do what you need them to do, now it’s up to them to complete the task.

Additionally, by letting your employees have freedoms they can come up with improvements that promote more growth in your business.

I Will Encourage Connection With Our Customers

In a recent Forbes article that covers millennial spending they found that “60% of millennials state loyalty to brands they currently purchase from if treated well through customer-centric experience.”

It’s important that you encourage connection with your customers because it will create brand loyalty. Even in the entertainment sector – like YouTube – it takes understanding and connecting with your audience to create loyalty and fans that always watch what you do.

New Year’s Resolutions For Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur your entire business is dependent on you. You wear all the hats that owning a business gives you. It’s important to continually improve yourself so that you can continue to grow your business in the most efficient ways.

I Will Stop Work At 5pm

I myself struggle with this. I start work as early as 7 am or as late as 9am and too often I lose track of time and continue working well past 5pm. Sometimes I’ll work till past my normal bedtime too.

As a work at home mom I have to commit to stopping work and devoting my after work time to my family and myself. If you struggle with stopping work and find yourself working well into the night you need to set a stop time and stick to it.

Related: Create a Daily Routine That Works For You

I Will Focus On Connecting With My Ideal Customers/Audience

Every business should have it’s ideal customers or audience figured out. Your ideal customer or audience has problems that you are solving. In order to solve that problem you need to prove that you have a complete understanding of that problem.

This means sharing a connection with them in a real way, like by sharing your story. This connection is what builds lifelong fans of your product, service, or content.

I Will Focus On My Greatest Returns

Too often I hear new bloggers obsess over things that don’t provide great returns. Things like analytics, social media followers, likes, etc. The fact is the only metric that you need to be concerned with is the click through rates, the purchases made, and the money made.

Woman wearing glasses writing in a planner

Putting your focus on where your greatest returns are will propel growth. Instead of being focused on metrics that don’t drive sales, you instead are working more purposefully in your business. Everything you do is focused on a return.

New Year’s Resolutions For Your Home

No matter how hard we try, keeping our work at home lives separate from our home lives is extremely difficult. Often things in our home suffer due to the tasks of our business. A resolution could be the change your home and business needs.

I Will Not Start Work Until My Morning Chores Are Done

In the morning I like to unload the previous days clean dishes and load any dishes that are dirty into it. This makes it easy to load the dishes throughout the dinner and keep my counter tops clean. I also like to get dressed for my day and tidy up the whole house for a few minutes.

Too often I just sit down at my desk with my coffee and start work. The dishes pile up on the counter, the living room gets filled with toys, and it’ll be quitting time before I realize I’m still in my pajamas.

Creating a resolution that requires a behavior change such as making my morning chores a first priority for every day will help to keep me on task.

I Will Cook Homemade Meals 28 Days Out Of The Month

It’s too easy to order food to eat instead of making a home cooked meal these days. This resolution helps you to stick to a diet, save money, and not be on a first name basis with your local pizza place.

I Will Put My Laundry Away Right Away

This is a habit of mine that I really need to change. When laundry is complete it usually gets piled up on a chair while I go to complete another task. I will usually forget about the laundry for several days before finally putting it away.

By changing my habit to complete the task immediately I will keep my bedroom looking neat. This keeps the bedroom a sanctuary for me to relax in on a regular basis when I need me time.

New Year’s Resolutions For Moms

You are more than just a business owner and house keeper. You are a mom. This means there are personal resolutions you want to make to improve your life as a mom.

I Will Stop Yelling Out Of Frustration

There are times in motherhood when yelling is necessary – like an immediate danger – but there are times that we yell out of frustration. This frustration is usually due to a deeper problem that doesn’t really have anything to do with the actions of your child.

Creating a resolution to stop yelling out of frustrations takes work and it can be challenging. One thing that will help you in this is making sure you are getting time for yourself regularly.

Related: The Importance Of Me Time For Work At Home Moms

I Will Spend Screen Free Time With My Family

Many moms resolve to spend more time with their families. It’s easy to spend time with your family and not actually spend time with your family. TV, tablets, and phones all interrupt the time we can spend with our family.

Mother wearing white dress with daughter in a white dress on her back laughing in a field

So instead of resolving to spend more time with your family, resolve to spend screen free time with your family.

I Will Take Mommy Me Time At Least Once A Week

Between caring for our family, taking care of our home, and running our business it’s no wonder we fail to take time for ourselves. Resolve to take that time this upcoming year. Time for yourself is purely self care.

Spend time on your hobbies, reading, or watching a favorite TV show. It’s important to take care of yourself just as it’s important to take care of everything else. I promise you do have time in your day to take care of yourself too.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail

The reason why new year’s resolutions often fail is because a new year’s resolution is set as a goal instead of a behavioral change. A goal without a plan fails and too often when a goal is set a specific plan is not laid out to reach that goal.

By turning a resolution into a behavioral change you are 100% responsible for seeing that change through. A resolution changes your resolve. The definition of resolve means to decide firmly on a course of action. So you must decide firmly to change your course of action, your behaviors, and your mindset.

Even if old habits pop up come February, you made your resolution so you don’t give up you just correct the behavior and do what needs to be done.

What is your big resolution for 2020? Let me know in the comments below. Follow me on Pinterest for more like this and pin this to your favorite goal setting and motivation boards.

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